Bonethane Splashbacks for Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry - Painted & DigitalArt Printed Splashbacks.
Click hereBonethane Premium VS DIY Acrylic Splashbacks.
Why choose Bonethane Splashbacks VS DIY Acrylic Splashbacks?
Firstly next to Glass, its the builders preferred choice and here is why.
- Greater heat distribution and electrical resistance.
- Self Extinguishing.
- The look of Glass without the stress of shattering, cracking or exploding due to stress
- Faster to install
- Bonethane carries the Australian Made logo
- Critical Strength, impact and breakage defiant
- Coloured in any colour Efx & Printed Splashbacks
- Available with GRIPTEK barrier backing on solid and metallic colours.
- UV treated.
- Can go over tiles
- No need to coat total wall face neutral colour prior to install, saving preparation and curing of wall.
- Can be 100 % fully recycled.
- Can be cut drilled and planned without cracking and splitting making Bonethane the DIY favourite!
- Bonethane has the same cutting fabrication as MDF or Timber.
- Cut shapes and innovative splashback angles with ease, without the stress of the substrate exploding, cracking or splitting
- Continuous service temp 110°C short term
- Low weight, superior strength.
- Suitable for induction cook tops, electric cooktops & ceramic cooktops.
- Custom VetroPoly toughened glass insert in 6mm thickness available in any size for gas burners in silver or can be
colour toned to blend or choose contrast colour with Bonethane & Acrylic grades.
- No Minimum order quantity for colour toning.
- GripTek backing no need to coat wall a neutral colour, saving you time, it is recommended coat corners where polymer overlap rests in corner for shower cubicles.
- You can add additional cut outs years down the track if you have a cavity behind your wall, without Bonethane Premium splitting or cracking.
- Do you have lots of ground movement in your home that causes cracks in your walls? With Bonethane you are given time to remove the sheet from the wall without damaging your splashback, ensuring you protect the face of the sheet.
or tiles will not allow you to do this as it will snap, shatter or split by this process.
- High gloss or satin finish available in any colour, metallic, EFX with GRIPTEK backing
- Bonethane Printed splashbacks are also available with GRIPTEK barrier backing.
- Can be buffed and repaired with ease and in half the time of Acrylic.
- Easier to handle
- UV protected
- Can be ordered in sheet size, cut to shape or cut to size, refer measuring tab to down load templates
- Wash with soapy water, rinse residue, wipe with clean warm damp towelling cloth or cameo, wipe in down motion & walk away. Bonethane ® air dries and shines.
- Carries a 7 year Warranty
- Commercial orders larger sheet sizes sheets can be produced MOQ
- Delivered Nationally
Please note custom Bonethane and IPA Acrylic Splashbacks are no longer available through Bunnings Hardware chains, you can know purchase our total splashback and benchtop range form our on-line shop with direct delivery to you nationally.
ISPS Innovations supply Bonethane Kitchen Polymer Splashbacks , IPA Acrylic Splashbacks and Bathroom Shower Acrylic Wall Panels. ISPS Benchtops are custom made & coloured & distributed to Melbourne and Victoria, Adelaide and South Australia, Sydney and NSW, Brisbane and Qld, Northern Territory, Darwin and Alice Springs, Perth and Western Australia, Tasmania and Hobart. Nation wide Service like no other.